A generic version of Viagra. It's an erectile dysfunction medication that is FDA-approved to treat both ED and pulmonary hypertension.

person holding white medication pill
person holding white medication pill



Better intimacy

Reduced strain on the heart

Improved blood flow

Reliable performance

Improved exercise tolerance

Sildenafil is used as needed, so you don't have to take it daily. It is best to take an hour before you plan to have sex. Follow our recommendations for the best results.

a group of people reaching out their hands
a group of people reaching out their hands


The most common side effects associated with Sildenafil are headaches, flushing, temporary abnormal vision, nasal congestion, dizziness, sleeping problems, and upset stomach. Make sure to talk to us if you experience any of these symptoms.

It works best when taken an hour before your fun activities. It is taken as needed. During arousal, the body then releases nitric oxide (NO), which stimulates the production of cGMP, a compound that relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow to the penis.

Phosphodiesterase Type 5 inhibitors (PDE5) enzymes then naturally break down cGMP. Sildenafil blocks PDE5, allowing cGMP levels to remain high, sustaining improved blood flow, and aiding erections.

It also relaxes blood vessels in the lungs, lowering blood pressure and improving oxygen flow, which relieves strain on the heart.


woman in pink brassiere lying on bed
woman in pink brassiere lying on bed

Was not sure, but was very satisfied with the results. I feel 20 again.

woman lying on bed in room
woman lying on bed in room
green potted plant near bed

It's time to feel confident, connected, and in control. Whether you're looking for better performance, intimacy, or overall vitality, we are here to help.

Schedule your free consultation today and let us help you rediscover your spark!

Rediscover that spark